Ocean View Realty Group has compiled a list of phone numbers that may come in handy for newcomers and visitors to Ormond Beach and Ormond By The Sea Florida. We hope you find this list of important phone numbers for newcomers helpful:
Note that all phone numbers are
area code 386 unless indicated.
Airport-Daytona Beach 248-8030
Animal hospital - Atlantic 441-1226
Air conditioning - Ron/ East Coast Air 767-1163
Attorney for wills and real estate Sharon Logan 673-5787
Auto Mechanic - Rich 441-8880
Auto License tags 254-4610
Banks: Bank of America-441-3559
National City Bank-441-1785
Regions Bank-441-1200
Beach information-239-7873
Bus-Votran 761-7700
Computer Guru 672-7049
Cable - Brighthouse* 677-1232
Carpet cleaning - Advanced Carpet 441-5114
Carpet/Flooring - Rich 672-2538
Drivers License 238-3140 or 517-2081(Flagler)
Electrician - Darren Brown 615-8956
Electricity - FPL 252-1541
Emergency-Hurricane etc.-2544658
Fishing/Hunting license-254-4635
Family Dollar-441-8699
Hardware -KNS 441-4456
Homestead exemption-254-4601
Insurance - Allstate 673-9111
Jeweler- Granada Jewelers 672-9003
Library-Ormond Beach 676-4191
County 248-1746
Liquor - ABC Liquor 441-2404
Mortgage- Ramsey Mort. 756-7766
Ocean View Realty 441-8245
Ormond Beach Library 676-4191
Peckers Pub 441-2944
Plumber-Andy Frattin 441-1005
Post office(Ocean Shore Blvd) 441-4829
Pressure Cleaning-Larry Rush 441-1736
Real Estate Atty.- Sharon Logan 673-5787
Restaurants: Alfies 441-7024
Betty"s Cafe 441-8131
Genovese 677-3222
House of Donuts 441-4066
Outback 6761550
Peach Valley 615-0096
Stavros Pizza 441-0003
TGI Friday-672-4121
Schools 254-6475
Osceola Elementary-239-6380
Ormond Middle-676-1250
Seabreeze High-646-1400
Screens-Modern Screen - Jeff 253-7553
Shipping Depot on Ocean Shore Blvd 441-3714
Speedy Mart and deli 441-0065
Telephone-Bellsouth 1-800-763-2909 or 1-888-757-6500
Trash pick-up 673-0800
Voter registration 254-4690
Water-City of Ormond Beach 676-3209
* Also offers digital phone and internet.